fullsoul runningpad®
barely a shoe
fullsoul runningpad®
Weniger Schuh geht nicht!
For all who love barefoot as the most original form of movement but want to avoid dirty soles, cuts and slanted looks! The fullsoul is an ultra minimalist and elegant "barefoot shoe", made from one piece of thin leather, no seams, no rivets, no glue. Through fine straps the leather sole nestles up against the foot like a second skin. Our sandals were invented by Prof. Dr. Martin Daumer and are crafted by master goldsmith and leather expert Barbara Ulsamer.
one cut fits all Price: 129€ + shipping incl. tax
custom-made Price: 209€ + shipping incl. tax

Jane Campion with her fullsouls, Paul Thomas Anderson, Denis Villeneuve, Steven Spielberg and Kenneth Branagh
fullsoul runningpad and human motion
The idea for the fullsoul runningpad came from the passionate
long-distance, mountain and barefoot runner Dr. Martin
Daumer, inspired by the evolutionary-biologically based
hypothesis that man is "born to run" - as a high-temperature forefoot
long-distance runner who, with his extraordinary stamina, has been
able to assert himself in evolutionary hunting. Over many years he
developed and tested various minimal shoe prototypes. A first
milestone was the ISPO Award 2012 for the heel-free
model freeheel runningpad®. He received the second ISPO Award
in 2016 in the outdoor segment for the current minimal shoe
fullsoul runningpad. Within the scope of his professional research
activities, Martin Daumer investigates, among other things,
possibilities to quantify human movement in everyday life with
mobile sensor technology.
Each custom-made fullsoul runningpad is unique, made to fit the
individual foot shape. The minimal shoe is cut out of one piece
of thin, resistant cowhide (100% vegetable tanned) with a
computer-controlled cutting plotter and finished by hand. It
weighs ultralight 70 g with shoe size 43 EU (9 1/2 US) and medium
leather thickness.
Warning: Running barefoot is different
Warnung: Barfußlaufen ist anders
You don't just want to go barefoot, but also want to run with
minimal shoes like the fullsoul runningpad? Please note: A too fast
change from the typical heel-heeled running style to forefoot /
midfoot running can lead to overstrain and serious injury. Muscles
and tendons need time to adapt! Sports physicians, physiotherapists
and orthopedists as well as suitable sources on the Internet advise
and support you in this process, e.g. on
For more information on the topic refer to the an interview with Dr.
Martin Daumer on
Our recommendation for barefoot running
Unsere Empfehlungen zum Barfußlaufen
Start with short running distances and pay attention to how the
body reacts. Then increase distances and speed very carefully.
Also inform yourself about forefoot/midfoot running and healthy
transition. You can find more orientation, information and scientific
findings on the net. Our own research results show that during the
transition phase the risk of running injuries is more than tripled:
On the measurement of running
Study: Running Injuries of Shod vs. Minimal
Studie: Laufverletzungen bei "Beschlagen" vs. Minimal
Survey conducted in context of "On The Measurement of Running Style 1: Risks and Benefits in Transitioning To Barefoot/Minimal Footwear Running" M. Daumer PhD, C. Kleinmond PhD, C. Stolle MSC, C. Lederer PhD, M. Hilgers MD, M. Walther MD
Transition Experiences: Many individuals reported a transition phase from traditional to minimal footwear or barefoot running, noting improvements in running form and a decrease in injuries. Transition times varied, with some experiencing a few months to adapt fully.
Injuries and Recovery: There was a significant emphasis on the reduction of running-related injuries after switching to minimal footwear or barefoot running. Common injuries like shin splints, IT Band issues, and knee pain were mentioned as being alleviated post-transition.
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Running Form and Efficiency: Respondents frequently cited improvements in running form and efficiency as major benefits of minimal footwear or barefoot running. They noted that such running styles promoted a more natural gait and foot strike, leading to less strain on the body.
Challenges and Risks: While many reported positive outcomes the transition period was also marked by challenges, including the risk of injury from too rapid a transition, and the need for a gradual adaptation period to build strength in the feet and legs.
Personal Experiences and Recommendations: Individuals shared personal stories of overcoming long-term injuries and rediscovering the joy of running through minimal footwear or barefoot running. They often recommended a cautious and informed approach to those considering the transition, emphasizing the importance of listening to one’s body and gradually adapting to the new running style.
Motivations for Transition: Motivations varied but often included dissatisfaction with traditional running shoes due to injuries, curiosity, and the influence of literature and community recommendations. Some were inspired by the book "Born to Run," while others sought to return to a more natural running form.
Overall Satisfaction: The general consensus was positive, with many expressing satisfaction with the switch to minimal footwear or barefoot running, citing benefits such as fewer injuries, improved running form, and a more enjoyable running experience.
Advice for Newcomers: Seasoned minimal footwear and barefoot runners advised newcomers to transition slowly and pay attention to their bodies’ signals to avoid injuries. They recommended starting with short distances and gradually increasing over time.
Demographics and Backgrounds: The responses came from a wide range of ages and backgrounds, with individuals sharing their journey from traditional to minimal footwear or barefoot running over various time frames and experiences.
Future Outlook: Many respondents expressed a commitment to continue running in minimal footwear or barefoot, citing the long-term health and performance benefits they've experienced since making the switch.
For more medical research on barefooting see also barefooters.org
Body Mass and Weekly Training Distance Influence the Pain and Injuries Experienced by Runners Using Minimalist Shoes
A Randomized Controlled Trial Joel T. Fuller,*y BSc, Dominic Thewlis,y PhD, Jonathan D. Buckley,y PhD, Nicholas A.T. Brown,z PhD, Joseph Hamill,§ PhD, and Margarita D. Tsiros,y PhD The study was performed at the University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Background: Minimalist shoes have been popularized as a safe alternative to conventional running shoes. However, a paucity of
research is available investigating the longer-term safety of minimalist shoes.
Purpose: To compare running-related pain and injury between minimalist and conventional shoes in trained runners and to inves-
tigate interactions between shoe type, body mass, and weekly training distance.
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Study Design: Randomized clinical trial; Level of evidence, 2.
Methods: Sixty-one trained, habitual rearfoot footfall runners (mean 6 SD: body mass, 74.6 6 9.3 kg; weekly training distance, 25
6 14 km) were randomly allocated to either minimalist or conventional shoes. Runners gradually increased the time spent running
in their allocated shoes over 26 weeks. Running-related pain intensity was measured weekly by use of 100-mm visual analog
scales. Time to first running-related injury was also assessed.
Results: Interactions were found between shoe type and weekly training distance for weekly running-related pain; greater pain was experienced with minimalist shoes (P \ .05), and clinically meaningful increases (.10 mm) were noted when the weekly training
distance was more than 35 km/wk. Eleven of 30 runners sustained an injury in conventional shoes compared with 16 of 31 runners
in minimalist shoes (hazard ratio, 1.64; 95% confidence interval, 0.63-4.27; P = .31). A shoe 3 body mass interaction was found for
time to first running-related injury (P = .01). For runners using minimalist shoes, relative to runners using conventional shoes, the risk
of sustaining an injury became more likely with increasing body mass above 71.4 kg, and the risk was moderately increased (hazard
ratio, 2.00; 95% confidence interval, 1.10-3.66; P = .02) for runners using minimalist shoes who had a body mass of 85.7 kg.
Conclusions: Runners should limit weekly training distance in minimalist shoes to avoid running-related pain. Heavier runners are
at greater risk of injury when running in minimalist shoes.
more on Reddit
I really enjoy the thin materials to get the best feel ever from a barefoot shoe. My feet feel unrestricted and light. The pads feel like they are along for the ride instead of being strapped to my feet so I get to feel the breeze more along my foot bed. The pads handled great on the trails and the road. Minor leather folding at times but no issues to flatten back out. Traction didn't seem to be a problem likely because the foot flex better to contour the trail rather than a stiff sandle board that is forced to flex. They really make me feel barefoot and I love the style. I believe being well used and broken in that this will actually improve the look. The smooth side leather footbed has been the best feel so far of footbeds that I felt from abrasion.
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Alle meine Erwartungen wurden übertroffen, und ich bin absolut begeistert! Sie sehen schon rein optisch wunderschön aus, aber auch das Material fühlt sich toll an! Genial finde ich, dass die Riemen auf beiden Seiten versetzt, d.h. nicht auf gleicher Höhe, angebracht sind. überhaupt spüre ich, dass hier wirklich Fachleute am Werk waren/sind, die Sandalen sind aber auch, so dünkt mich, mit viel Liebe zur Sache und...
Running in these full sole running pads has changed the way I run and the way I experience 'barefoot' running. They are the epitome of minimalist running shoes and the provide the perfect amount of support and protection for the trail running I do. I have to be careful not to twist my ankles, as is the case with shoes or barefoot, but these running pads create a much-needed barrier...

Prof. Dr. Martin Daumer
creator of the fullsoul runningpad®